Emergency Care


Emergency Care

Insect Damage: bookworms

Bookworms, Insects Infestation in Books

By April Hann Lanford

While the connotation of a bookworm is that of a voracious reader, there are insects that actually feed on books.  Books are inherently inviting and vulnerable, given their construction of organic materials such as paper, cardboard, starch-based binding adhesive, cotton, and leather.  If left unattended, insects can lead to a significant amount of damage.

Bookworms are not actually worms.

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Insect Infestation in Wooden Artifacts, Frames and Furniture

By April Hann Lanford

You might be surprised, but a common attribute among aged wooden artifacts is the evidence of previous insect activity.  While not all antique pieces will have this, don’t be alarmed if they do.  The appearance of such activity is also even mimicked in reproductions to give a piece the appearance of age!

What you should be concerned about is an active infestation, as well as structural instability as a result of an infestation.  Most often, an infestation is caused by a powderpost beetle and its larvae.

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Photo preservation photography preservation archive assistance, archive preservation, collection management

Before the Storm, Emergency Preparation of Collections

By April Hann Lanford

When there is a pending storm, time is of the essence to safeguard collections.  Hurricanes and heavy storms can bring an onslaught of rain which can result in flooding, loss of power, and structural damage.  While the evacuation of a collection is the ideal solution, limited timing, access to packing materials, or the sheer volume of items, may prove it to be prohibitive.

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Wildfire, Emergency Preparation of Collections

By April Hann Lanford

When there is a threat of wildfires in the area, time is of the essence to safeguard collections.  While the evacuation of a collection is the ideal solution, limited timing, access to packing materials, or the sheer volume of items, may prove it to be prohibitive.

If you need to evacuate and need to leave your collection behind, here are a few recommendations to help protect your pieces, and assist with potential recovery in the future:

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Initial Recovery of Water Damaged Collections

By April Hann Lanford

Time is of the essence when fine art, artifact, and furniture collections are exposed to water.  While standing water is the instant concern, there are two environmental perils that immediately follow: elevated humidity and mold.

The following are a few proactive steps to start safeguarding and recovering a compromised collection:

Documentation-Photograph the items in their current state.  

Video-If you have access to video, also take video as it can capture more footage in a smaller amount of time.  The documentation allows for a snapshot in time but can also help facilitate managing the restoration process as well as submitting a claim in the future.

Inventory-Make an inventory of the items. Identify the priority items.  All items should be inventoried prior to leaving the premises.

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Water damage art restoration Fire damage art restoration Smoke damage art restoration Water damage furniture repair Fire damage furniture repair Smoke damage furniture repair Water damage furniture restoration Fire damage furniture restoration Smoke damage antique restoration Water damage antique repair Soot cleaning for Artwork Fire damage antique repair Smoke damage antique repair Water damage antique restoration Fire damage antique restoration Smoke damage antique restoration Chubb specialty contents Chubb claims provenance preservation disaster preparedness art rescue art disaster response chicago conservation chicago conservatory the center of conservation the center art claims art collection recovery the art conservatory Art rescue Emergency response Art recovery Contents experts Specialty contents Chubb claims provider Chubb framing expert Chubb art claims expert Servpro art claims Art contents Art restoration Water damage art repair Fire damage art repair Smoke damage art repair mold remediation mold restoration art restoration water 1/9 debris flow, montecito california, santa barbara antique restoration, hurricane laura art restoration, antique restoration, hurricane Marco antique restoration services. hurricane art restoration, red salmon complex fire, apple fire riverside, lake fire, los angeles restoration, loyalton fire art cleaning river fire, monterey ca dome fire, san bernandino CA Chubb art claims onsite specialty contents cleaning SCU lightening complex soot cleaning August complex, mendocino art restoration LNU lightning complex antique restoration LNU lightning complex art restoration services North complex fire art cleaning, CZU lightning complex, san mateo firebutte, tehama, glenn art cleaning

Wildfire, Initial Recovery of Fire Damaged Collections

By April Hann Lanford

Time is of the essence when fine art, artifact, and furniture collections are exposed to soot and smoke.  The longer soot rests on the surface, the more difficult it can become to successfully clean.

The following are a few proactive steps to start safeguarding and recovering a compromised collection:

  • Safety first-Check with local authorities to confirm that it is safe to return. Your personal safety is the most important. In addition to the structural instability of buildings and homes, there is also the risk of flash floods and mudslides that might follow.
  • Proper PPE-Before entering, make sure you are wearing the proper safety equipment for the environment. Heavy soled shoes, gloves and a mask are an absolute must.    Click Here to Read More…
A division of Artmill Group Hand carved picture frames Custom picture framing Museum quality services Insurance claims support April Hann Lanford Appraisal Valuation Onsite repair Specialty contents Storm recovery and rescue Provenance care Water restoration art, antiques, furniture Art recovery Painting repair Paper conservation Furniture restoration Fine art doctor  repair shop in chicago Gold leaf frames Finished corner  Seamless by design  Regency  Fine art conservation Seaberg  Armand Lee Gilding Museum framing Art collection support Frederics Baker Husar

Insurance Claims, Definitions of Valuation

By April Hann Lanford

The experience of a loss is often unexpected and leaves many unprepared to deal with insurance claims. There are several actions you can take to be prepared to handle a claim and your personal property. To get started, review your homeowner’s insurance and know what type of losses are covered, know if you have a Replacement Cost or Actual Cost Value (ACV) policy. Knowing these two things will help with your expectations and you will be able to ask the right questions to your adjuster. Make an inventory of your personal property, take photographs, and do a video walkthrough of your home. Determine if there is any supplemental insurance you need and if there is anything of high value or importance that should be scheduled. The guide below is an overview of helpful definitions of values

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(312) 344-0331

Main Location

840 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago IL 60642

Mon-Fri:  9am - 5:30pm
Sat:  10am-4pm
Sun:  Closed

Complimentary parking is available in the loading zone in front of the building

We can also serve you by appointment at our other locations in the Chicagoland area.

Additional Locations

Schiller Park Highland Park  •  Lake Forest  •  Lincoln Park  Nashville, TN

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