A custom double post mount was made to display this heirloom Sgian-Dubh with sheath. A sgian-dubh is a small single edged knife worn as part of Scottish Highland Dress. The African black wood hilt, along with the sterling silver elements and the precious stone mount is accompanied with a decorative leather and sterling silver sheath with a thistle design.
To honor both the knife and the sheath, it was decided to display both pieces rather than just the sgian-dubh inset within the sheath. A double post steel mount was fabricated to elevate and present each piece at a slight angle. The mount was painted with a black, powdercoated finish. The mount has a dado step to accommodate the vitrine.
A custom acrylic vitrine with polished museum seams was fabricated to cover and protect the heirloom for display. Each project is individually designed and fabricated. To learn more about how we can assist with a preservation and display of an object, please feel welcome to contact us at info@artifactservices.com